Supreme Court Litigations
The dedicated Supreme Court team at Mimansa offers a specialized approach to the otherwise hurdled litigation Segment by focussing on probability betterment processes on merits. As is the urban legend, the Supreme Court is a forum of dismissals than admissions as the Forum Operates on the premise that the lower Court’s view needs to be respected unless shown to be blatantly erroneous.
Mimansa has developed a customized approached to Supreme Court litigations laying down a code of drafting and prosecution whereby strict emphasis is laid on probability betterment factors such as crisp synopsising, background tracing and focussing on the substantial questions of law rather than a general narrative of illegalities.
Our advantage
Mimansa’s customized approach to Supreme Court litigations has earned laudable outcomes in matters such as IPL scams, National Bond Policies, VAT based transactional Benefits, Liquidator and Buyer’s/Class Creditor’s rights under Insolvency Code, Scope of conjoint Mass Criminal Trials to name a few.